Seeds of Truth Academy expanded to the country of Haiti in 2017.
After visiting Haiti in 2014 and 2015 a burden was placed on me to
provide support to the great need of fatherless children and orphanages
that are there throughout the country.
We opened a sponsored summer program in Gonaives, Haiti for youth throughout the community supporting them with English and computer classes. There are plans to continue to build our program until we are offering a full year private school program to families in this community and others.
We are extending our help to provide food, medicine, hygiene, and school supplies to the following children in the more deserted rural areas:
Haiti is situated next to the Dominican Republic on a Caribbean island
southeast of the USA. It's long rich history is fascinating.
It is a country born of slavery, revolution, and freedom.
Descendants of African slaves make up 95% of Haiti's population.
The first black republic whose landscape is filled with mountains, forest, and beautiful waters. A creative people distinguished in Arts and Music.
It is also referred to as the poorest country on the Western hemisphere.
Though full of beautiful, resilient people; they are surrounded by deep poverty.
Haiti is one of the most least developed yet heavily populated countries
in the Western world. Nearly three-fourth of the population live in rural areas.
The life expectancy rate for Haiti is low: 50 years for men and 53 for women.
The infant mortality rate for Haiti is high at 74 deaths per 1,000 births.
Even before the 2010 Earthquake that devastated
(Estimated 200,000 died and millions homeless) and set the country back,
only 54% of Haitians had access to sanitation facilities
and a regular source of safe drinking water.
Corrupt government, high crime, high abuse of children, sickness and diseases,
drug trafficking, and poor education system are some of the
major factors keeping Haiti from seeing steady progress as a nation.
Seeds of Truth Academy is the restoration and rebuilding of people through
a biblical principle approach to education helping to prepare youth for their
place of leadership in their generation.
We are convinced that the knowledge of the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are essential to the full spiritual, academic, and social development.
*Each child is made in the Divine image of God,
uniquely gifted, with a calling and purpose to fulfill in their generation.
*Each child's potential must be cultivated
in order for their God-given uniqueness to reach its fullest expression.
*Each child should be allowed the best opportunity to develop
*Each child should be taught self government and to develop Christian character.
Seeds of Truth Academy is the school that sees beyond the impossible, it is a place where dullness becomes bright, a corridor of excellence and an avenue of great leaders. With confidence and passion we have moved beyond our bounds and limitations. That is who we are. We are the Seeds of Truth Academy.

John Fenelon
Wender Fenelon
Seeds of Truth Academy in
Gonaives, Haiti