Benjamin Marshall
Founder & President

Randolf K.Woods
Liberia Director
Seeds of Truth Academy began in 2004 with 9 students in Northern California by Benjamin Marshall. Seeds of Truth Academy has educated hundreds of students in the states through their daily academy and tutorial services. They have also provided services to schools all over the Bay Area. Services include training, teaching, tutoring, and higher education planning.
In 2010 during a visit to a Liberia orphanage, the founder of Seeds of Truth Academy USA was approached by a 6 year old named Joseph who attached himself and refused to let him go until he was face to face with his father. His father, a man from a near village, shared a vision given to him a year earlier to begin an education center for children who were unable to attend school due to poverty issues. The school was started in a straw hut with 15 students and 1 teacher. The school was adopted and Seeds of Truth Faith Academy Liberia was born. Once supported, it grew tremendously to over 100 registered students and 8 full time teachers in a few years. A school building has been constructed since then.
There are plans to build 9 more educational help centers in the next 10 years in rural areas of lacking quality education. Seeds of Truth Academy has joined with many partners to assist the children of Africa to achieve their educational goals and reduce the illiteracy rate in Liberia, Kenya, and Haiti. It is anticipated that these projects will bring immediate relief and long term help to thousands. Our school centers bring hope to the hopeless, joy to the weary, and help to the needy. We are committed to provide sound quality education in a safe environment, in decent facilities, and with qualified teachers.
Liberia, "Land of the Free," was founded by free African-Americans and freed slaves from the United States in 1820. An initial group of 86 immigrants, who came to be called Americo-Liberians, established a settlement in Christopolis (now Monrovia, named after U.S. President James Monroe) on February 6, 1820. Liberia is situated on the West Coast of Africa. For a period of more than 100 years, Liberia was one of the most peaceful and politically stable on the African continent. Regrettably, this period of peaceful co-existence and stability was thwarted on April 12, 1980 when 17 enlisted men of the Armed Forces of Liberia staged Liberia's first coup that did not just violently overthrow the government then but also plunged the nation in state of turmoil and uncertainty. This period of uncertainty and political and economic paralysis culminated in 1989 to full blown civil conflict that more or less virtually destroyed the social, educational, political and economic fabric of the state. Estimates put the number of death at 250,000 while properties valued at millions of United States Dollars were destroyed.
The growth and development of any nation depends on its available human resource. Liberia, despite its long history is rated as one of the least developed in the world. Prior to the war, literacy stood at about 17% and the years of war compounded the problem (all centers of learning were either looted or destroyed). Even though the government through its partners has started rehabilitating some of these infrastructures, a lot more is still needed to be done, particularly in the rural areas, as the rural population returns. In most rural settings, the young generation has no access to education and health support thus creating a bleak and hopeless future for them. For other areas, students have to walk for several miles to get to the closet educational center, a situation that is tedious and unhealthy. In most rural villages, more than 75 students are cramped in one classroom with no desk; they sit on blocks while others sit on the floor. Instead of chalk they are using charcoal and dry cassava to write on boards. Despite these limitations, the determination to acquire an education is high.
Seeds of Truth Academy is the restoration and rebuilding of an educational system that prepares children for their place of leadership in their generation. We promote the philosophy and curriculum of the Biblical principle approach to education. We are convinced that the knowledge of the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are essential to the full spiritual, academic, and social development of each student. We believe a parents' role and responsibility is important.
*Each child is made in the Divine image of God,
uniquely gifted, with a calling and purpose to fulfill in their generation.
*Each child's potential must be cultivated
in order for their God-given uniqueness to reach its fullest expression.
*Each child should be allowed the best opportunity to develop
*Each child should be taught self government and to develop Christian character.
Seeds of Truth Academy is the school that sees beyond the impossible, it is a place where dullness becomes bright, a corridor of excellence and an avenue of great leaders. With confidence and passion we have moved beyond our bounds and limitations. That is who we are. We are the Seeds of Truth Academy.
Liberia, Africa